Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Benefits of Oil Pulling for Teeth

You must have stumbled upon a number of tips and tricks when it comes to maintaining oral health. But this new trend which is apparently over 3000 years old has been picked up by social influencers and celebrities alike. Oil pulling even though ancient is known to be the ideal holistic way to care for your teeth and gums.

What exactly is this technique of lubricating your mouth with oil?

It is known to kill bacteria and germs which are housed between the teeth. It is also an effective way of getting rid of bad breath. The ideal time to perform this oral exercise is during the morning just before brushing your teeth. Take an adequate amount of oil, mostly a tablespoon and squish it for twenty minutes then spit it out. It is same as using a mouthwash, take care that you do not swallow the oil while swirling it around the mouth. Then rise your mouth with warm water and brush your teeth. This daily oral hygiene will get rid of any germs and toxins in the oral cavity.

Types of oil excellent for mouth hygiene:

Sesame oil is highly recommended for this mouth activity. However, olive oil has also been proven to be ideal. But the most effective is coconut oil as it is natural and healthy to use.

Benefits of oil pulling:

Reduce Bacteria:

We usually use mouthwash and brushing rituals to eliminate over 350 types of bacteria in our mouth. Through oil pulling these can be reduced permanently. Research has shown that over a week’s exercise of oil pulling had successfully rid of bad breath, germs and plaque.

Bad Breath control:

Hygiene is important when it comes to having fresh breath, no one wants to be in an embarrassing situation socially due to a bad mouth. Apart from cleansing the tongue regularly, it is necessary to deep clean the teeth as well. Oil pulling counters the germs that produce a foul smell naturally. It also reduces gingival infections and is more effective than anti-septic mouthwash.

Prevention of tooth decay:

Food that gets lodged in between the teeth can cause discomfort, germs, plaque formation and slowly erode the tooth enamel causing decay. Diet, which consists primarily of junk food, sugar and oily substances are known as the leading cause of caries. Plaque can also cause cavities. The plaque covers the teeth and contains bacteria, saliva and food particles. Bacteria start decomposing food particles, forming an acid that destroys dental enamel. Regular oil pulling can neutralize the build up of cavities caused by saliva.

Whiten the teeth and reduce inflammation:

Teeth whitening is possible naturally thanks to the traction of the oil, it eliminates dark spots and stains from the surface of the teeth. Highly recommended for people who are suffering from gingivitis – a case of swollen inflamed gums that bleed. Oil pulling with coconut oil is said to be highly effective when it comes to tackling streptococcus mutan – another cause of inflamed bleeding gums. Its antibacterial properties lead to a natural cleansing of the gums.


Modern dental practices do not endorse this ancient Ayurvedic method of cleansing the teeth. But in recent times, more and more Western people are adapting to this naturally known treatment to address dental problems. Although there is little modern evidence that extracting oil improves oral and global health, it has been used for millennia, and some people believe that this is sufficient evidence. Moreover, it is unlikely to have adverse impacts on your health.

Before trying it is advisable to consult a dentist and also test yourself for allergies related to use of specific oils.

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